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Little River

This is the first of, I hope, many posts about this subject. I am going to make a concerted effort to photograph my backyard – the Smoky Mountains and the Blue Ridge Parkway. I am going to use this blog to document what I do. Hopefully it will be useful to others. This photo was taken this morning before work. I left home just after 7 am and was back at my desk by about 10.30. Convenient.

To get to this location I drove through Townsend until the turnoff to Cades Cove. Shortly after turning towards Cades Cove there is a (left) turnoff to the Greater Smoky Mountains Institute on Tremont Road


Reset your odometerĀ at the intersection and then travel 4.2 miles. You will cross a bridge that goes over the Middle Prong Little River. Just after the bridge there is a place to park your car off the road. The shot below was taken along this section. I always recommend at this stage that you let your own creativity take over. Never try to re-create a shot. The conditions are never the same. Use your own experience and wisdom.
