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I have had two back to back trips to Africa this year. The first was to Mozambique and the second to Kenya and Ethiopia. While down in Southern Africa, I took a quick trip to Cape Town over the weekend. I figured this was better than staying in a hotel in Johannesburg for the weekend. While there I tried to do some photography. Funny, I lived there so long and never really photographed the place well. Back then, digital cameras were not that well developed and I was kind of in a state of limbo waiting for the digital cameras to get to an acceptable level (and price).  So I am making an effort to get back there and photograph the place in all its beauty.

This shot was taken in a place called Camps Bay. It took me 2 trips to get the shot. Day one, I thought I had missed the light and didn’t hang around. Big mistake. Day 2, I was not going to make the same mistake and took lots of photos over a period of about 1 1/2 hours. In the world of property, the saying is location, location, location. In photography, it is probably, light, light, light.
